
  • Віталій Молочко Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Україна http://orcid.org/0009-0008-8075-2187



Ключові слова:

російсько-українська війна, реставраційна і пам’яткоохоронна діяльність, вплив, зміна


Проаналізовано, як події російсько-української війни вплинули на зміну задач післявоєнного відновлення. Враховуючи масштаб руйнувань і кількість пошкоджених об’єктів культурної спадщини, необхідно залучати для відбудови іноземні інвестиції і приватних інвесторів, а це вимагає зміни підходів до використання пам’ятки архітектури. Оскільки основні руйнування спричинені не природними явищами, а зброєю, необхідно розробити технології відновлення об’єктів після попадання дронів, ракет і їх уламків, снарядів тощо. Також необхідно готувати експертів для оцінки пошкоджень в регіонах і удосконалити законодавчо-правову базу.

Біографія автора

Віталій Молочко, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури

Аспірант кафедри основ архітектури і архітектурного проєктування, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури


Список джерел

Buravchenko S., Bigaj P., Wysznacki K., Sztabińska-Kałowska P. (2024) Methods of Regeneration of Damaged Historical Buildings. International Journal of Conservation Science.Volume 15, pp. 31-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.14

Ivashko Y., Dmytrenko A., Belinskyi S., Pabich M., Kuśnierz–Krupa D., Kobylarczyk J., Bednarz L., Kuzmina H., Kovtiukh N. (2024). The Influence of Colonial Policy on the Destruction of National Cultural Identity and Ways of Overcoming its Consequences. International Journal of Conservation Science.Volume 15, 2024, pp. 31-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.03

Ivashko Y., Dmytrenko A., Pawłowska A., Lisińska-Kuśnierz M., Krupa M., Tišliar P., Hlushchenko A., Serafin A., Shpakov A.(2024). Destruction of the Architectural Heritage as a Result of War: The Experience of Reconstruction (Conservation and Logistical Aspects) International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, pp. 17-30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.02

Ivashko Y., Dmytrenko A., Molodid O., Ivashko O., Molochko V., Belinskyi S., Bigaj P.(2024) The Destruction of the Established Urban Environment of Borodianka and Irpen as a Result of the Russian-Ukrainian War. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp. 785-800. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.03

Kozakova O., Kravchenko I.L., Sulayman M., Kuśnierz-Krupa D., Wang S., Abdulgani M., Lisińska-Kuśnierz M., Bednarz L., Budziakowski M. (2024)

The Role of Photographic Documentation in the Process of Conservation of Destroyed Architectural Monuments and Centres of Historic Cities. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.3-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.01

Markovskyi A., Lagutenko O. (2024). Restoration, Revitalization or Liquidation: Strategies of Attitude to Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.185-194. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.15

Mezhenna N., Zymina S., Ushakov G., Rusevich T. (2024)/

Variability of Decisions for Reconstruction and new Development of Public Buildings in Cities of Ukraine Damaged by Military Actions. City of Kremenchuk. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.235-252. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.19

Molodid O., Skochko V., Plokhuta R., Molodid O., Musiiaka I., Bendersky S., Bogdan S. (2024). Modern Restoration Methods For Damaged Historical Buildings As A Result of Military Aggression. Case of Educational Institutions. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.205-220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.17

Molodid O., Kovalchuk O., Ivashko Y., Kusnierz–Krupa D., Tisliar P., Dmytrenko A., Bednarz L. (2023). Research For Banksy Mural ‘Judoki’ In Borodyanka. International Journal of Conservation Science.Volume 14, Issue 4, December, pp.1381-1390. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2023.04.08

Nadolny A., Słuchocka K.(2024). Post-WWII Ruins on Photography: An Introduction to the Reconstruction of the City of Poznań. Case Study Old Town. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.277-290. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.21

Orlenko M., Ivashko Y. (2019). The concept of art and works of art in the theory of art and in the restoration industry. Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts, XXI, 171-190. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AI/2022/24/16

Sandu I. C. A., Spiridon P., Sandu I. (2016). Current Studies and Approaches in the Field of Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Harmonising the Terminology in an Interdisciplinary Context. International Journal of Conservation Science, 7 (3), ‏ 591-606.

Spiridon P., Sandu I., Stratulat L. (2017). The Conscious Deterioration and Degradation of the Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Conservation Science, 8 (1), 81-88.

Yatsenko V., Osychenko H., Dreval I., Tyshkevych O. (2024).

Preservation of the Urban Historical Landscape as a Response to the Challenges of War. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.141-156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.12

Zosim S., Nikolaienko V.A., Nikolaienko V.V.(2024).

Preservation of National Traditions of Ukrainian Architecture During the Reconstruction of Destroyed Cities and Villages In the Post-War Period. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.221-234. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.18


Buravchenko S., Bigaj P., Wysznacki K., Sztabińska-Kałowska P. (2024) Methods of Regeneration of Damaged Historical Buildings. International Journal of Conservation Science.Volume 15, pp. 31-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.14 (in English)

Ivashko Y., Dmytrenko A., Belinskyi S., Pabich M., Kuśnierz–Krupa D., Kobylarczyk J., Bednarz L., Kuzmina H., Kovtiukh N. (2024). The Influence of Colonial Policy on the Destruction of National Cultural Identity and Ways of Overcoming its Consequences. International Journal of Conservation Science.Volume 15, 2024, pp. 31-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.03 (in English)

Ivashko Y., Dmytrenko A., Pawłowska A., Lisińska-Kuśnierz M., Krupa M., Tišliar P., Hlushchenko A., Serafin A., Shpakov A.(2024). Destruction of the Architectural Heritage as a Result of War: The Experience of Reconstruction (Conservation and Logistical Aspects) International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, pp. 17-30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.02 (in English)

Ivashko Y., Dmytrenko A., Molodid O., Ivashko O., Molochko V., Belinskyi S., Bigaj P.(2024) The Destruction of the Established Urban Environment of Borodianka and Irpen as a Result of the Russian-Ukrainian War. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp. 785-800. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.03 (in English)

Kozakova O., Kravchenko I.L., Sulayman M., Kuśnierz-Krupa D., Wang S., Abdulgani M., Lisińska-Kuśnierz M., Bednarz L., Budziakowski M. (2024)

The Role of Photographic Documentation in the Process of Conservation of Destroyed Architectural Monuments and Centres of Historic Cities. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.3-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.01 (in English)

Markovskyi A., Lagutenko O. (2024)/ Restoration, Revitalization or Liquidation: Strategies of Attitude to Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.185-194. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.15 (in English)

Mezhenna N., Zymina S., Ushakov G., Rusevich T. (2024)/ Variability of Decisions for Reconstruction and new Development of Public Buildings in Cities of Ukraine Damaged by Military Actions. City of Kremenchuk. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.235-252. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.19 (in English)

Molodid O., Skochko V., Plokhuta R., Molodid O., Musiiaka I., Bendersky S., Bogdan S. (2024). Modern Restoration Methods For Damaged Historical Buildings As A Result of Military Aggression. Case of Educational Institutions. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.205-220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.17 (in English)

Molodid O., Kovalchuk O., Ivashko Y., Kusnierz–Krupa D., Tisliar P., Dmytrenko A., Bednarz L. (2023). Research For Banksy Mural ‘Judoki’ In Borodyanka. International Journal of Conservation Science.Volume 14, Issue 4, December, pp.1381-1390. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2023.04.08 (in English)

Nadolny A., Słuchocka K.(2024). Post-WWII Ruins on Photography: An Introduction to the Reconstruction of the City of Poznań. Case Study Old Town. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.277-290. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.2 1 (in English)

Orlenko M., Ivashko Y. (2019). The concept of art and works of art in the theory of art and in the restoration industry. Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts, XXI, 171-190. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AI/2022/24/16 (in English)

Sandu I. C. A., Spiridon P., Sandu I. (2016). Current Studies and Approaches in the Field of Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Harmonising the Terminology in an Interdisciplinary Context. International Journal of Conservation Science, 7 (3), ‏ 591-606. (in English)

Spiridon P., Sandu I., Stratulat L. (2017). The Conscious Deterioration and Degradation of the Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Conservation Science, 8 (1), 81-88. (in English)

Yatsenko V., Osychenko H., Dreval I., Tyshkevych O. (2024). Preservation of the Urban Historical Landscape as a Response to the Challenges of War. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.141-156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.12 (in English)

Zosim S., Nikolaienko V.A., Nikolaienko V.V. (2024). Preservation of National Traditions of Ukrainian Architecture During the Reconstruction of Destroyed Cities and Villages In the Post-War Period. International Journal of Conservation Science. Volume 15, issue 2, pp.221-234. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.18 (in English)




Як цитувати

Молочко, В. (2024). ВПЛИВ РОСІЙСЬКО-УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ВІЙНИ НА ЗМІНУ РЕСТАВРАЦІЙНОЇ І ПАМ’ЯТКООХОРОННОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ. Сучасні проблеми Архітектури та Містобудування, (70), 269–279. https://doi.org/10.32347/2077-3455.2024.70.269-279

