


Ключові слова:

Моделювання, прогнозування стану забруднення, річка, поверхневі води, основні забруднювачі, картографування, ГІС


Проаналізовано основні джерела забруднення поверехневих вод річки Стир, розглянуто математичні моделі, що описують зміну значень хімічних та бактеріологічних показників якості річкових вод, обґрунтовано наслідки впливу неочищених чи недоочищених стічних вод, що скидаються до річки на якість води в ній, на основі геоінформаційних систем (ГІС) побудовано прогнозні моделі стану забруднення поверхневих вод річки Стир на п'ять станцій спостережень у межах Волинської та Рівненської областей на період з 2000 до 2022 року; доведено достатність періодичного моніторингу забруднення поверхневих вод для прогнозування їх якісного стану.

Біографія автора

Анатолій Кондратюк, Волинський національний університет ім. Лесі Українки

аспірант кафедри геодезії, землевпорядкування та кадастру


Список джерел

Мокін В.Б., Мокін Б.І. Математичні моделі та програми для оцінювання якості річковихвод. — В.: Універсум-Вінниця, 2000. — 152 с.

Amadi, A. N., &Olasehinde, P. I., Okosun, E. A., &Yisa, J. Assessment of the water quality index of Otamiri and Ora-miriukwa Rivers. Physics International, 1(2), 2010, 116 – 123.

Barakat A, El Baghdadi M, Rais J, Aghezzaf B, Slassi M. Assessment of spatial and seasonal water quality variation of Oum Er Rbia River (Morocco) using multivariate statistical techniques. J Soil Water Conserv 4, 2016, 284–292

Bajpayee S, Das R, Ruj B, Adhikari K, Chatterjee PK. Assessment by multivariate statistical analysis of ground water geochemical data of Bankura, India. Int J Environ Sci 3, 2012, 870

Bartram, J., & Balance, R. Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Freshwater Quality Studies and Monitoring Programmes. London, UK: UNEP/ WHO, 1996.

Dutta V, Sharma U, Iqbal K, Kumar R, Pathak AK. Impact of river channelization and riverfront development on fluvial habitat: evidence from Gomti River, a tributary of Ganges, India. Environ Sustain 1(2), 2018, 167–184

Eluozo, S. N. Modelling the transport of streptococci on hetrogeniouscaorse sand influenced by porosity and permeability in caostal area of degema. ARPN Journal of Earth Sciences, 1(2), 2012, 52-56.

Furlan A, Galeazzo A, Paggiaro A. Organizational and perceived learning in the workplace: a multilevel perspective on employees’ problem solving. Organ Sci 30(2), 2019, 280–297

He B, Dai M, Zhai W, Guo X, Wang L. Hypoxia in the upper reaches of the Pearl River Estuary and its maintenance mechanisms: a synthesis based on multiple year observations during 2000–2008. Mar Chem 167, 2014, 13–24

Huffmeyer, N., Klasmeier, J., &Matthies, M. Geo-referenced modeling of zinc concentrations in the Ruhr river basin (Germany) using the model GREAT-ER. Science of the Total Environment, 407(7), 2009, 2296-2305

Kumar P, Kaushal RK, Nigam AK. Assessment and management of Ganga river water quality using multivariate statistical techniques in India. Asian J Water Environ Pollut 12, 2015, 61–69

Le TTH, Zeunert S, Lorenz M, Meon G. Multivariate statistical assessment of a polluted river under nitrification inhibition in the tropics. Environ Sci Pollut Res 24(15), 2017, 13845–13862

Lorenz M, Prilop K, Thang MT, Le H, Hieu ND, Meon G, Quan NH. Ecohydrological modelling of the Thi Vai catchment in South Vietnam. In: 2014 EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for environmental and water protection of coastal zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th international conference for environment and natural resources, ICENR, 2014, 2363–7218

Pollution mapping in the urban segment of a tropical river: is water quality index (WQI) enough for a nutrient-polluted river? URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13201-019-1083-9, 2019.

Sorche NL, McDermott G, O’Boyle S, Wilkes R, Stengel DB. Decoupling abundance and biomass of phytoplankton communities under different environmental controls: a new multi-metric Index. Front Marine Sci 6, 2019, 312

Singh KP, Malik A, Sinha S. Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques—a case study. Anal Chim Acta 538(1–2), 2005, 355–374

Singh KP, Malik A, Sinha S, Singh VK, Murthy RC. Estimation of source of heavy metal contamination in sediments of Gomti River (India) using principal component analysis. Water Air Soil Pollut 166, 2005, 321–341

Tashtoush SM, Al-Subh SA. Interpretation of groundwater quality parameters for springs in Tafileh area in South of Jordan using principal components analysis. J Environ Sci 3, 2015, 31–44

Wang Y, Wang P, Bai Y, Tian Z, Li J, Shao X, Li BL. Assessment of surface water quality via multivariate statistical techniques: a case study of the Songhua River Harbin region, China. J Hydro Environ Res 7, 2013, 30–40


Mokin V.B., Mokin B.І. (2000). Mathematical models and programs for assessing the quality of river waters. [Маtеmаtychnі modeli ta program dlja ocinjuvannja jakosti richkovyh wod]. Uiversum-Winnicja, 152. (in Ukrainian).

Amadi, A. N., &Olasehinde, P. I., Okosun, E. A., &Yisa, J. (2010). Assessment of the water quality index of Otamiri and Ora-miriukwa Rivers. Physics International, 1(2), 116 – 123. (in English).

Barakat A, El Baghdadi M, Rais J, Aghezzaf B, Slassi M (2016). Assessment of spatial and seasonal water quality variation of Oum Er Rbia River (Morocco) using multivariate statistical techniques. J Soil Water Conserv 4:284–292 (in English).

Bajpayee S, Das R, Ruj B, Adhikari K, Chatterjee PK (2012). Assessment by multivariate statistical analysis of ground water geochemical data of Bankura, India. Int J Environ Sci 3:870. (in English).

Bartram, J., & Balance, R. (1996). Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Freshwater Quality Studies and Monitoring Programmes. London, UK: UNEP/ WHO. (in English).

Dutta V, Sharma U, Iqbal K, Kumar R, Pathak AK (2018). Impact of river channelization and riverfront development on fluvial habitat: evidence from Gomti River, a tributary of Ganges, India. Environ Sustain 1(2):167–184. (in English).

Eluozo, S. N. (2012). Modelling the transport of streptococci on hetrogeniouscaorse sand influenced by porosity and permeability in caostal area of degema. ARPN Journal of Earth Sciences, 1(2), 52-56. (in English).

Furlan A, Galeazzo A, Paggiaro A (2019). Organizational and perceived learning in the workplace: a multilevel perspective on employees’ problem solving. Organ Sci 30(2):280–297. (in English).

He B, Dai M, Zhai W, Guo X, Wang L (2014). Hypoxia in the upper reaches of the Pearl River Estuary and its maintenance mechanisms: a synthesis based on multiple year observations during 2000–2008. Mar Chem 167:13–24. (in English).

Huffmeyer, N., Klasmeier, J., &Matthies, M. (2009). Geo-referenced modeling of zinc concentrations in the Ruhr river basin (Germany) using the model GREAT-ER. Science of the Total Environment, 407(7), 2296-2305. (in English).

Kumar P, Kaushal RK, Nigam AK (2015). Assessment and management of Ganga river water quality using multivariate statistical techniques in India. Asian J Water Environ Pollut 12:61–69. (in English).

Le TTH, Zeunert S, Lorenz M, Meon G (2017). Multivariate statistical assessment of a polluted river under nitrification inhibition in the tropics. Environ Sci Pollut Res 24(15):13845–13862. (in English).

Lorenz M, Prilop K, Thang MT, Le H, Hieu ND, Meon G, Quan NH (2014). Ecohydrological modelling of the Thi Vai catchment in South Vietnam. In: 2014 EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for environmental and water protection of coastal zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th international conference for environment and natural resources, ICENR, pp 2363–7218. (in English).

Pollution mapping in the urban segment of a tropical river: is water quality index (WQI) enough for a nutrient-polluted river? (2019) URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13201-019-1083-9 (in English).

Sorche NL, McDermott G, O’Boyle S, Wilkes R, Stengel DB (2019). Decoupling abundance and biomass of phytoplankton communities under different environmental controls: a new multi-metric Index. Front Marine Sci 6:312. (in English).

Singh KP, Malik A, Sinha S (2005). Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources of Gomti river (India) using multivariate statistical techniques—a case study. Anal Chim Acta 538(1–2):355–374. (in English).

Singh KP, Malik A, Sinha S, Singh VK, Murthy RC (2005b). Estimation of source of heavy metal contamination in sediments of Gomti River (India) using principal component analysis. Water Air Soil Pollut 166:321–341. (in English).

Tashtoush SM, Al-Subh SA (2015). Interpretation of groundwater quality parameters for springs in Tafileh area in South of Jordan using principal components analysis. J Environ Sci 3:31–44. (in English).

Wang Y, Wang P, Bai Y, Tian Z, Li J, Shao X, Li BL (2013). Assessment of surface water quality via multivariate statistical techniques: a case study of the Songhua River Harbin region, China. J Hydro Environ Res 7:30–40. (in English).




Як цитувати

Кондратюк, А. (2021). МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ І ПРОГНОЗУВАННЯ СТАНУ ЗАБРУДНЕННЯ ПОВЕРХНЕВИХ ВОД РІЧКИ СТИР. Сучасні проблеми Архітектури та Містобудування, (61), 395–409. https://doi.org/10.32347/2077-3455.2021.61.395-409


