Принципи архітектурно-планувальної організації споруд для велосипедів у містах




Ключові слова:

архітектурно-планувальна організація, велосипедна інфраструктура, споруди для велосипедів, принципи.


У статі проаналізовані типи споруд для велосипедів, особливості їх місцерозташування, призначення. Визначені основні принципи архітектурно-планувальної організації споруд для велосипедів в крупних містах.


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Velev P., Pencho S. Pedestrian spaces of city centers[Peshekhodnyye prostranstva gorodskikh tsentrov].Moscow, 1983. 192р. (in Russian)

Jan Gehl. Cities for people[Goroda dlya lyudey].Moscow, 2012. 276 p.

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Bachinskaya L.G. Housing architecture[Arkhitektura zhytla]. Kyiv, 2004. 408 p. (in Ukrainian)

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Fomenko G.R. Transport and ecology in cities[Transport y ekologia v mistah]. Problems of Urban Environment Development: Scientific and Technical Collection of NAU. Kyiv, 2012. Vol. 7. – S, 272 – 275p. (in Ukrainian)

Shilova T.O, OmelyanenkoM.V.City Planning and Transportation [Planuvannya mist i transport]: KNUBA Handbook. Kyiv, 2013. 192 p. (in Ukrainian)

Shkodovsky Yu.M. Space of life of citizens (daily migrations along the route home - work - home) [Prostranstvo zhyznedeyatelʹnosty horozhan (ezhednevnye myhratsyy po marshrutu dom - rabota - dom))]. Traditions and innovations in higher education in architecture and art: a collection of scientific works of the CDADM. Kharkiv, 2009. № 5. P. 103 - 110. (in Russian)

Recommendations on the organization of cycling[Rekomendatsiyi z orhanizatsiyi rukhu velosypednoho transportu]. Road and Transport Research Society.Cologne, 2011. 105p. (in Ukrainian)

«The concept of development of the bicycle infrastructure of Kyiv by 2025»[Kontseptsiya rozvytku velosypednoyi infrastruktury m. Kyyeva do 2025 r]. https://issuu.com/urbancurators/docs>(in Ukrainian)

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Urban Development. Kiev, 2006. №16. P. 310-315. (in Ukrainian)

Harbar M. V. Research methodology of the architectural-planning organization of structures and equipment for bicycle transport in cities [Metodika issledovaniya arkhitekturno-planirovochnoy organizatsii sooruzheniy i oborudovaniya dlya velosipednogo transporta v gorodakh]. Collection of scientific reports. Science, problems, developments, innovations, practice, theory. Lodz, 2015. P. 18-20.

Harbar M.V. Architectural and planning organization of bicycle structures in cities[Arkhitekturno-planuvalʹna orhanizatsiya sporud dlya velosypediv v mistakh]: diss. ... Cand. arch .: 18.00.02. Kyiv, 2019. 229 p. (in Ukrainian)

PRESTO Practical Help: Cyclists and pedestrians[Praktychna dovidka PRESTO: Velosypedysty ta pishokhody]. 8p. http://velotransport.info/?p=1543. (in Ukrainian)

Gasenko L.V. Principles of urban planning for bicycle infrastructure in medium and large cities [Pryntsypy mistobudivnoyi orhanizatsiyi veloinfrastruktury u serednikh i velykykh mistakh]: abstract. diss. … Cand. tech. Sciences: 05.23.20., Kyiv, 2015. 24 p. (in Ukrainian)

Bicycle Parking: Standards, Guidelines & Recommendations. SFMTA, 2015. 68p. URL: https://www.sfmta.com/sites/default/files/reports-and-documents/2018/06/1_sfmta_bicycle_parking_guidelines-updated-05-15-2018.pdf (in English)

Long term bicycle parking stations. Sep. 17, 2009. URL: https://www.designboom.com/project/long-term-bicycle-parking-stations. (in English)

The city of Сopenhagen`s bicycle strategy 2011 – 2025. URL: http://www.eltis.org/sites/default/files/casestudies/documents/copenhagens_cycling_strategy.pdf (in English)

Bicycle parking manual. The Danish Cyclists Federation 2008. 100p. http://www.cyclingembassy.dk/wpcontent/uploads/2010/08/Bicycle_Parking_Manual.pdf. (in English)




Як цитувати

Harbar, M. (2019). Принципи архітектурно-планувальної організації споруд для велосипедів у містах. Сучасні проблеми Архітектури та Містобудування, (55), 314–322. https://doi.org/10.32347/2077-3455.2019.55.314-322


